Fighting for Us

Fighting for Us

  • Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

Verse 1

You are not flesh and bone,
You are not weak or slow.
You're everything brave and bold;
You're fighting for us.
You are not distant or cold,
Your heart's not angry or closed,
And even in ways we don't know,
You're fighting for us.

Chorus 1

You won't hold back
When it comes to Your children,
You fiercely defend us
Till we stand delivered.
You're fighting for us,
Always fighting for us.



Michael Farren and Krissy Nordhoff

Copyright © 2017 Nordinary Music (SESAC) Farren Love And War Pub (SESAC) Integrity's Alleluia! Music (SESAC) (adm. at All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #7082575 

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A, Bb, B, G

You are not flesh and bone



Assurance/Security/Confidence/Rest, Comfort/Encouragement/Hope, God, His Guidance and Care, God, Our Refuge/Shelter/Rock/Shield/Stronghold