My Tribute with Redeemer

My Tribute with Redeemer

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    Original Artist Recording (Demo)

    Gb 0 1.14 0.79800000000000001265654248072678456082940101623535156250
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    Lead Sheet PLUS

    All 0 2.14 1.49800000000000002375877272697834996506571769714355468750
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    Lead Sheet PLUS

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    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

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    Original Artist Recording (Demo)

    Gb 0 1.14 0.79800000000000001265654248072678456082940101623535156250
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    Original Artist Stereo Track (with BGV)

    Gb 0 2.14 1.49800000000000002375877272697834996506571769714355468750
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Verse 1

How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me– Things so undeserved, yet You gave to prove Your love for me? The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude– All that I am and ever hope to be, yeah, I owe it all right now to Thee.
To God be the glory, To God be the glory! To God be the glory for the things He has done. Just let me live my life; and let it be pleasing, Lord, to Thee. And should I gain should I gain any praise, Let it go to Calvary, Calvary.

Verse 1

The very same God that spins things in orbit, He runs to the weary, the worn and the weak. And the same gentle hands that hold me when I'm broken, they conquered death to bring me victory.

Chorus 1

Now I know my Redeemer lives.
See, I know my Redeemer lives.
So, let all creation testify,
let this life within me cry:
I know my Redeemer.




2 Peter 3:18, Job 19:25

Words and Music by Andrae Crouch / Words and Music by Nicole C. Mullen

My Tribute/ © 1971 Bud John Songs (ASCAP) (admin. at Redeemer © 2000 Lil Jas Music (SESAC)/Wordspring Music, LLC (SESAC) (admin. by Music Services, Inc.). All rights reserved. Used by permission.  

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All, Gb

How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me? Things so undeserved, yet You gave to prove Your love for me?



Thankfulness, Praise/Adoration/Worship/Exaltation, of God, Jesus, Redeemer, God, His Love/Mercy/Grace, Jesus, Blood