How He Loves

How He Loves

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    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
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    Lead Sheet

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
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    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
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    Lead Sheet

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Lead Sheet

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    Bb 0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Chord Chart

    0 1.54 1.07800000000000001709743457922741072252392768859863281250
    or less

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

    Part Key Own Qty Price PrePay

    Don't see the part you want? Try another key.

Verse 1

He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane; I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden I am unaware
Of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are
And how great Your affections are for me.

Chorus 1

(Yeah) He loves us.
Oh, how He loves us,
Oh, how He loves us,
Oh, how He loves.




1 John 3:1, Deuteronomy 32:9, John 3:16

John Mark McMillan

Copyright © 2005 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music (ASCAP) (adm. at All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI #5032549 

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A, Bb, C, G

And He is jealous for me, loves like a hurricane; I am a tree.



God, His Glory, God, His Love/Mercy/Grace